Our ratings

At Water Mill House Care Home we are committed to providing high-quality care that is effective and responsive, delivered by an expert team that is well-led and supported in an environment that is safe and secure enabling residents to enjoy a better quality of life.

Food Hygiene ratings

Here is what the Care Quality Commission (CQC) said about our home:

  • People and their relatives told us they felt safe, and staff cared for them well. There were enough staff to care for people safely and, although busy, we saw they had time to speak with people as well as carrying out their other duties. The service was clean and well maintained.
  • One relative said, “(Family member) takes a lot and it’s given by the person in charge of medicines. They are spot on with their timing.”
  • People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
  • The service was clean and well maintained throughout… Comments included, “The home is clean and they clean (family member’s) room. It’s more like a hotel than a care home.” and “I feel it is clean and fresh.”
  • The provider and the registered manager demonstrated a strong commitment to providing good quality, person-centred care. They were quick to respond to feedback and there was evidence that information was shared with staff when things went wrong to support learning and make improvements. They were clear about their expectations of staff to work in line with the provider’s values, and worked hard to develop the team, providing support to staff who wanted to progress in their career. 
  • People told us they felt safe. One person said, “I feel very safe here. If I did not feel safe here, I would talk to a member of staff.” Relatives also felt their family members were safe. Comments included, “(Family member) is safe, staff are very attentive. Staff care to (their) needs.” And, “Absolutely (family member) is safe.”
  • (They) were not safe living at home. The staff are there and they look after (them).”
  • People, their relatives and staff spoke positively about their experiences of the service. 
  • Staff we spoke with had good understanding of what person-centred care looked like, and showed a commitment to the service, their team members and the people they supported. 
  • During the inspection, there was a warm, friendly atmosphere in the home. Staff, people and managers appeared to have positive relationships.

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